Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Truffes au chocolat

When apples still grow in November
When Blossoms still bloom from each tree
When leaves are still green in December
It's then that our land will be free
I wander her hills and her valleys
And still through my sorrow I see
A land that has never known freedom
And only her rivers run free

I drink to the death of her manhood
Those men who'd rather have died
Than to live in the cold chains of bondage
To bring back their rights were denied
Oh where are you now when we need you
What burns where the flame used to be
Are ye gone like the snows of last winter
And will only our rivers run free?

How sweet is life but we're crying
How mellow the wine but it's dry
How fragrant the rose but it's dying
How gentle the breeze but it sighs
What good is in youth when it's aging
What joy is in eyes that can't see
When there's sorrow in sunshine and flowers
And still only our rivers run free


200 g di cioccolato fondente al 70%
100 ml di panna liquida
i semini di 1 bacca di vaniglia
1 cucchiaino di scorza d'arancia grattugiato
2 cucchiai di Grand Marnier
2 cucchiai di burro (temperatura ambiente)
1 pizzico di sale
1 1/2 cucchiaio di cacao amaro in polvere setacciato

Spezzettare il cioccolato e metterlo in un ciotolino a parte. Portare a bollore la panna, la vaniglia e la scorza d'arancia. Versarla sul cioccolato e mescolare fino a quando non sarà completamente sciolto. Quindi aggiungere il Grand Marnier, poco alla volta il burro ed infine il sale fino a quando tutti gli ingredienti non si saranno completamente amalgamati. Versare la crema in uno stampo da 12x20 cm precedentemente foderato con della carta forno, livellarla bene, ricoprire con della pellicola da cucina e mettere in frigo per far indurire il cioccolato per una notte. L'indomani mettere in un piatto il cacao amaro. Riprendere lo stampo dal frigorifero, capovolgerlo e staccare il foglio di carta forno. Tagliare in cubetti della grandezza desiderata e rotolarli nel cacao amaro. Tenerli in frigo fino al momento di servire.

When apples still grow in November
When Blossoms still bloom from each tree
When leaves are still green in December
It's then that our land will be free
I wander her hills and her valleys
And still through my sorrow I see
A land that has never known freedom
And only her rivers run free

I drink to the death of her manhood
Those men who'd rather have died
Than to live in the cold chains of bondage
To bring back their rights were denied
Oh where are you now when we need you
What burns where the flame used to be
Are ye gone like the snows of last winter
And will only our rivers run free?

How sweet is life but we're crying
How mellow the wine but it's dry
How fragrant the rose but it's dying
How gentle the breeze but it sighs
What good is in youth when it's aging
What joy is in eyes that can't see
When there's sorrow in sunshine and flowers
And still only our rivers run free


200 g Zartbitter-Schokolade 70% Kakao
100 ml Sahne
das Mark einer Vanilleschote
1 TL geriebene Orangenschale
2 EL Grand Marnier
2 EL Butter (Raumtemperatur)
1 Prise Salz
1 1/2 EL dunklen Kakao, gesiebt

Schokolade in Stücke brechen und in eine Schüssel geben, beiseite stellen. Die Sahne mit Vanillemark und Orangenschale aufkochen. Auf die Schokolade gießen und umrühren bis diese komplett geschmolzen ist. Grand Marnier hinzufügen, nach und nach die Butter einarbeiten und zum Schluss das Salz. Die Schokoladenmasse in eine mit Frischhaltefolie ausgelegte Form 12x20 cm geben. Ab in den Kühlschrank für eine Nacht. Am nächsten Tag den dunklen Kakao auf einen Teller geben. Die inzwischen fest gewordene Pralinenmasse aus dem Kühlschrank holen und von der Folie befreien. In Stücke schneiden, im Kakao wälzen. Im Kühlschrank aufbewahren.

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